AACSB is one of the accreditation bodies for top business schools globally. They invited Gnowbe to speak to their Deans on microlearning in 2018.
So-Young Kang, CEO of Gnowbe, talks with AACSB about learning content designed specifically for mobile platforms. Watch the video here.
So-Young Kang, an expert in the field of micro-learning, identifies three key lifestyle considerations and ensuing learning expectations for modern learners that should be considered when developing online content.
Learning Expectations by Lifestyle:
1. On-the-go- Engaging, attention grabbing multi-media content
2. Always-on- Curated, bite-sized content gradually released over longer time intervals
3. On-demand- Immediate, anytime, anywhere access to relevant information
Read the full article by AACSB "Technologies With Potential to Transform Business and Business Education: Mobile and Micro-Learning."