Great learning can come from anywhere, and sometimes, it comes from PowerPoint presentations. So, we put on our Christmas thinking hats to see how we can make that learning experience even better with Gnowbe! We would like to introduce our curators to the ability to import PowerPoint presentations into either new or existing Gnowbe programs!
These presentations will be imported as new sessions, with each presentation slide being converted into an image action.
You can then edit the program and augment the learning experience with other curation actions! Would you like to condense multiple presentations into one program? No problem! Simply upload each presentation sequentially, and Gnowbe will convert each presentation into different sessions in the same program.
Head to our help center here to learn more about this awesome feature!
Another big surprise we have for our faithful curators is that Gnowbe now supports rectangular image displays!
Gnowbe will now automatically resize images for them to be fully displayed within a 16:9 aspect ratio. Curators can also opt to crop their images to fit the 16:9 aspect ratio. What’s more, existing programs that previously used rectangular images will now have those images displayed in their full glory! As usual, if you’re keen to know more, head over to our help center here!
We would love to hear your feedback, so if you have any questions or thoughts, shake your mobile device and log a ticket for us or leave us a message via the Help section in the bottom right corner of Gnowbe Web.